Fix for faults shown by Paterson probe

The Private Practice Register initiative, from Healthcode, already has the profiles of more than 18,000 consultants and practitioners. It is an obvious solution to the information deficit within hospitals identified in the Paterson Inquiry report, argues Fiona Booth.

Most organisations criticised in the Paterson Inquiry report have accepted their responsibility and individuals are being held accountable for their acts or omissions. 

This is necessary, but it is equally important to focus on the practical steps that can be taken to address the collective failures which meant that Paterson could continue his malpractice for so long. 

While there were several contributory factors that allowed him to get away with malpractice for so long, one common theme running throughout the report is the information deficit that exists within the healthcare sector. 

This applies in two senses: 

1. The paucity of accurate information about consultants’ whole practice to support effective clinical governance; 

2. The lack of appropriate information sharing to support patient safety.