More private surgery in Surrey?

PPU Watch

Compiled by Philip Housden

More private surgery in Surrey?

Consultants could have a new private practice opportunity with the opening of a new elective surgery centre at Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals in Surrey.

The Surrey Heartlands Elective Centre, based at Ashford Hospital, fully opening this summer, includes a dedicated eye unit and facilities for orthopaedic procedures including hip and knee replacement surgery.

Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Board is considering using the unit to develop a competitive private practice option for the self-pay market. 

A board meeting report said any such private patient service ‘would be positioned in an ethical way, delivering a more affordable route to private treatment’.

A trust spokesperson told BBC Radio Surrey: ‘Any details on numbers and pricing have not been developed at this stage and any future development would be positioned in line with our ethical values and enable re-investment in our core NHS services.’ 

The spokesperson added that private operating is ‘an added tool for recruiting and retaining clinical talent’ and it may offer an opportunity to build a capability to re-invest in improvement across its full range of services and facilities across elective and emergency care.

In 2022-23, Ashford and St Peter’s reported private patient income of £1.8m, a decline of £0.2m from £2.0m and -10.1% on the previous year, representing just 0.45% of total trust income.

On the move

Marcus Taylor, private care director at Buckinghamshire Private Healthcare Ltd – a wholly owned subsidiary of Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust – is leaving to be private care managing director at the Royal National Ortho­paedic Hospital (RNOH), Stanmore. 

He headed the Buckinghamshire service for two years, leading the transformation of private care services for consultants and supporting the trust to revitalise a strategic, income-generating and customer-centric service. 

Mr Taylor said: ‘We have enjoyed many successes along the way, launching a fantastic brand, professionalising our service provision and offering a convenient and responsive service for our consultants and growing our income by over 60% in the past year. 

‘Bucks has a fantastic proposition for its patients and a development agenda that will take it to its full potential over the coming few years and is well on course for 2024.’

He added: ‘I am very excited about this new opportunity and how I can utilise my 20 years’ private healthcare experience and local market knowledge to deliver significant benefits for RNOH.’

 Philip Housden (right) is director of Housden Group commercial healthcare consultancy