Cromwell offers new prostate therapy

The Aquablation team at the Cromwell Hospital, including urological surgeon Mr Neil Barber (centre) after their first use of it

Cromwell Hospital has launched Aquablation therapy, the minimally invasive procedure that uses a robotically controlled waterjet to treat a symptomatic enlarged prostate.

Consultant urological surgeon Mr Neil Barber, who introduced the procedure to the UK in 2016, said patients had received many benefits, including speed and accuracy of the procedure as well as a faster return to normal activities. 

‘It is also less likely to cause damage to surrounding healthy tissues, because it offers greater precision than other treatments for an enlarged prostate.

‘Many patients are often worried about the consequences of treatment on their sexual function. Aquablation therapy offers a lower rate of irreversible complications, such as incontinence, ejaculatory and erectile dysfunction, which is a real benefit to them.’