Free benchmarking toolkit to be given to GP members

Independent Doctors Federation AGM.

A benchmarking toolkit has been launched for the IDF’s GP members.

The federation has partnered with the NHS Benchmarking Network to enable members to use it anonymously to help improve their practice outcomes and their quality of patient care.

IDF GP committee chair Dr Shaima Villait said: ‘We have chosen three clinical and one non-clinical metrics using NICE guidelines and following NHS practice patient questionnaires. 

‘Although this seems daunting at first, it is important to remember the reasons for carrying out benchmarking, the date of which can also be used for practice audits. This toolkit will be a member benefit throughout membership with no additional cost to members.’

The IDF wants as many practices as possible to participate so its project is successful and has reminded GPs this is to be a mandatory require-­ ment by the CQC in England.

Dr Villait said benchmarking helped practices improve and monitor quality, efficiency and patient experience – and assisted professional development.

 ‘Benchmarking is often thought to consist simply of comparing indicators, but it is a tool based on voluntary and active collaboration within clinics to ensure the best quality of care can be provided to patients as well as for practice improvement.’

One problem had been that the software used by many private GPs did not collate the information easily.