Eye clinic offers help to NHS patients

The theatre at Optegra’s new Brighton Clinic, with healthcare technicians Anthony Shaw and Evalin Mortiboys-Reid and senior scrub nurse Judith Mercado. © Darren Cool – www.dcoolimages.com

A new eye clinic in East Sussex offers access to NHS cataract eye surgery and is committing to treatment within just six weeks of referral.

Optegra Eye Clinic Brighton has opened at a time when the cost of living is at an all-time high, resulting in many people avoiding essential eye tests due to cost. 

These delays in accessing treatment have led to 40% of optometrists recently surveyed by Optegra believing that people are driving without the legal visual requirement and older people are losing their independence due to poor vision.

Richard Armitage, NHS director for Optegra, said: ‘Those diagnosed with cataracts simply need to ask their optician or GP to refer them to Optegra Eye Clinic Brighton and we will be in touch straight away to arrange pre-operative tests and a surgery date.’

The clinic was officially opened by The Mayor of Brighton and Hove, Councillor Lizzie Deane.