The CMA’s letter to private consultants and hospitals
From: David Stewart, executive director, Markets and Mergers.
12 October 2022.
Enforcement action under the Private Healthcare Market Investigation Order 2014
I write to the private healthcare industry nearly three months since PHIN and the industry agreed a new strategic plan to deliver full compliance with Part 4 of the Order by the summer of 2026. The CMA is confident that this plan can keep the sector on track to deliver this valuable information for patients across the UK.
I would specifically like to thank the thousands of private consultants and hundreds of private hospitals who are providing the information required under the Order. Through your hard work, private patients are already seeing benefits.
For those consultants and hospitals that are nearly complaint (sic), PHIN and the CMA are keen to work with you to achieve full compliance as quickly as possible. To do this, you should log in to the PHIN Portal or speak to PHIN on 020 7307 2862.
There are still some consultants and hospitals who have made little or no effort to comply with their legally-binding obligations. For these organisations and individuals, you should be aware that we are now escalating the public enforcement action against individual consultants and hospitals to ensure all those bound by the Order comply with it. You can expect to see public announcements from the CMA about this enforcement work shortly.
Yours faithfully,
David Stewart