Impact of the pandemic on private practice

MDU/Independent Practitioner Today 2022 survey. 

Dear Reader,

Independent Practitioner Today is running a survey in partnership with the MDU to find out your views about the impact of the pandemic on private practice. 

We’d be very grateful if you could spare the time to take part. In return for completing the survey you can ask to be entered into a draw for a chance to win one of two £100 Amazon vouchers.

Click here to take the survey, whose questions are also repeated below. 

Please answer these questions based on your experiences in private practice only – even if you also work in the NHS.

The survey will run until midnight on Sunday 31 July. 

Your responses to this survey will remain anonymous. The results of the survey will be shared with the MDU to be used in marketing communications, but no personal information will be passed on.

You can read the prize draw terms and conditions by clicking here. 

Many thanks for your help. 

Best wishes,

Editorial director 

Complete our survey for a chance to win a £100 voucher

1. What position best describes your current role?

a) Consultant

b) General practitioner

c) Retired

d) Other (please state)


2. How has your private practice been affected since the pandemic?

a) Activity has increased since the pandemic 

b) Activity has decreased since the pandemic

c) Activity is  similar to pre-pandemic levels 


3. Do you anticipate undertaking more private practice work over the next two years?

a) Yes

b) No


4. Did you provide additional NHS services during the pandemic?

a) Yes, I provided additional NHS services for the duration of the pandemic and continue to do so

b) Yes, I provided additional NHS services but am not currently  

c) No, I did not provide any additional NHS services during the pandemic 

[If answer yes, go to Q5. If answer no, then jump to Q6] 


5. Do you anticipate undertaking more NHS work over the next two years?

a) Yes

b) No


6. In what ways has private practice changed following the pandemic? (Please tick all that apply)

a) Waiting times for patient initial appointments have increased

b) Waiting times to complete treatments have increased

c) Patients presenting with more advanced pathologies

d) Increased demand for routine screening and tests

e) Increased use of remote consultations/telemedicine  

f) Greater flexibility of appointments for patients

g) Greater flexibility of work for doctors

h) Easier to communicate with patients

i) Harder to communicate with patients

j) Other – please explain


7. How likely are you to undertake employed, rather than self-employed, work in private practice?

a) Highly likely 

b) Somewhat likely 

c) Neither concerned nor unconcerned

d) Not likely

e) Not at all

f) I am already working in an employed role in private practice


8. To what extent do you agree with the following statement: I am more likely to retire from private practice due to the pandemic? 

a) Strongly agree 

b) Tend to agree 

c) Neither agree nor disagree  

d) Tend to disagree 

e) Strongly disagree


9. How has working during the pandemic impacted upon your health and well-being? Please rate (agree or disagree)

f) I feel stressed and/or anxious on a weekly basis

g) I often go to work when I do not feel fit or well

h) I am unable to spend adequate time with patients

i) I feel like I am making a positive difference to my patients 

j) I feel I am able to do my job effectively 

k) I am supported by my colleagues

l) Relationships at work are strained

m) I feel I have a good work/life balance


10. How would you rate your stress and anxiety levels now compared to before the pandemic? (Tick one)

a) Significantly worse

b) A little worse

c) No change

d) A little better

e) Significantly better


11. Do you have any further comments about your experiences of the pandemic or what the MDU could do to help you in your private practice?


Doctors who would like to be entered into a prize draw for a chance to win one of two £100 Amazon vouchers are asked to leave their details at the bottom of the online survey.