Harley Street unit starts pain clinic
The Harley Street Specialist Hospital (HSSH) is opening a pain management clinic with 14 pain consultants available to treat specialist areas.
Patients can be cross-referred within the hospital for a range of treatments for spinal, headaches, neck, pelvic, dental, back, shoulder, upper limb, hand, knee, hip, foot and ankle conditions.
Chief operating officer Marcus Whiteley said: ‘Creating proper whole-body solutions for alleviating and managing pain is critical for a person’s emotional wellbeing. Pain is prevalent in our times with one third of all adults in the UK suffering with lower back pain.
‘Around 20% of these people seek advice from their GP. This equates to around 2.6m patients every year. Our goal is to assist people in taking action to manage a pain-free life with treatment and the correct strategies. The breadth of experience that we have in the team is unparalleled and we hope to help a lot of people.’
HSSH pain consultants:
Pain injections and management: Dr Fariborz Neirami, Dr Stephen Humble, Dr Roman Cregg, Dr Stefanos Palmisani, Dr Norman Kufakwaro;
Pain injections and spinal surgery: Mr Fady Sedra, Mr Mohamed Ahmed, Mr Wai Weng Yoon;
Wisdom tooth extraction and oral pain: Mr Luke Cascarini, Mr Spencer Hodges, Miss Natasha Berridge, Mr Mustansir Alibhai, Mr Ravinder Pabla, Mr Tamer Theodossy.