Inquiry signals big change for doctors
Government’s response to the Paterson Inquiry report
The Government’s response to the recommendations of the former Bishop of Norwich’s independent inquiry into rogue surgeon Ian Paterson signals some major changes for many private consultants and hospitals to take on board and act on.
It responded to 17 recommendations – recommendations six and 12 have each been split into two parts – accepting nine, another five in principle, not accepting one, and not accepting another but keeping it under review. The result of another recommendation is pending an outcome.
Recommendation 1
We recommend that there should be a single repository of the whole practice of consultants across England, setting out their practising privileges and other critical consultant performance data – for example, how many times a consultant has performed a particular procedure and how recently.
This should be accessible and understandable to the public. It should be mandated for use by managers and healthcare professionals in both the NHS and the independent sector.
Government response – accept in principle
Significant progress has been made on the collection of consultant performance data in the independent sector and the NHS.
In 2018, the Acute Data Alignment Programme (ADAPt) was launched to move towards a common set of standards for data collection, performance measure methodologies and reporting systems across the NHS and the independent sector, with potential to be fully implemented by 2022 to 2023.
This data will be made available for managers and healthcare professionals across the system to help support learning and identify outliers.
Over the next 12 months, we commit to reaching a decision with key stakeholders on what information can be published and whether further Government action will be needed to achieve this.
Recommendation 2
We recommend that it should be standard practice that consultants in both the NHS and the independent sector should write to patients, outlining their condition and treatment, in simple language, and copy this letter to the patient’s GP, rather than writing to the GP and sending a copy to the patient.
Government response – accept
Guidance across the healthcare system now states that consultants should write directly to patients and in a way that they understand. Key stakeholders have committed to writing to their members to encourage uptake.
Over the next 12 months, we will explore with providers how their systems can change to make the process of writing to patients easier for healthcare professionals and how this can be monitored.
Recommendation 3
We recommend that the differences between how the care of patients in the independent sector is organised and the care of patients in the NHS is organised is explained clearly to patients who choose to be treated privately, or whose treatment is provided in the independent sector but funded by the NHS.
This should include clarification of how consultants are engaged at the private hospital, including the use of practising privileges and indemnity, and the arrangements for emergency provision and intensive care.
Government response – accept
The Government will commission the production of independent information to make people aware of the ways in which their private care is organised differently from the arrangements in the NHS.
Created in partnership with patients, families and carers, this will be published in 2022 and will include expert views on a range of relevant areas that are backed by data and evidence.
Recommendation 4
We recommend that there should be a short period introduced into the process of patients giving consent for surgical procedures to allow them time to reflect on their diagnosis and treatment options.
We recommend that the General Medical Council monitors this as part of Good Medical Practice.
Government response – accept in principle
Many key organisations, including the General Medical Council (GMC), have taken steps to update their guidance and to confirm that doctors should give patients sufficient time to consider their options before making a decision about their treatment and care.
During annual appraisals, doctors must provide supporting information to demonstrate that they are continuing to meet the principles and values set out in Good Medical Practice. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) takes all GMC guidance into account during its assessments.
Recommendation 5
We recommend that CQC, as a matter of urgency, should assure itself that all hospital providers are complying effectively with up-to-date national guidance on MDT (multidisciplinary team) meetings, including in breast cancer care, and that patients are not at risk of harm due to non-compliance in this area.
Government response – accept
The CQC has now added more detailed and specific prompts on multidisciplinary teamworking to the inspection framework for diagnostic imaging services in NHS and independent acute hospitals, including reference to NHS England and Improvement’s (NHSEI’s) guidance on streamlining multidisciplinary team meetings for cancer alliances.
When assessing providers in the NHS and the independent sector, the CQC will continue to seek assurance that patients are not at risk of harm due to non-compliance with this guidance.
Recommendation 6a
We recommend that information about the means to escalate a complaint to an independent body is communicated more effectively in both the NHS and the independent sector.
Government response – accept
The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) is currently piloting the NHS Complaint Standards, which set out in one place the ways in which the NHS should handle complaints, including the need for organisations to ensure that people know how to escalate to the Ombudsman.
These have been developed with the Independent Sector Complaints Adjudication Service (ISCAS), who have included it in their code of practice.
We will continue to work closely with key organisations involved to ensure that standards are reinforced.
Recommendation 6b
We recommend that all private patients should have the right to mandatory independent resolution of their complaint.
Government response – accept in principle
The CQC will strengthen its guidance to make clearer that it expects to see arrangements in place for patients to access independent resolution of their complaints regarding independent sector providers.
We will review uptake across the independent sector in the next year, and if uptake is not widespread, we will explore whether current legislation needs to be amended to ensure that all providers make provision for independent adjudication.
Recommendation 7
We recommend that the University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust board should check that all patients of Paterson have been recalled and to communicate with any who have not been seen.
Government response – accept
By August 2020, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust had contacted all known living patients of Ian Paterson.
By the end of June 2021, the trust had ensured that all known former patients had had their care reviewed and that any outstanding concerns were addressed in a way that was determined by the patient.
Recommendation 8
We recommend that Spire should check that all patients of Ian Paterson have been recalled, and to communicate with any who have not been seen, and that they should check that they have been given an ongoing treatment plan in the same way that has been provided for patients in the NHS.
Government response – accept
By December 2020, Spire had proactively contacted all known living patients of Ian Paterson to check that their care had been fully reviewed, and that they were getting any ongoing support and treatment that they needed.
Spire have now reviewed the care of over two-thirds of the patients concerned. Spire have prioritised the review of patients according to clinical need, with the most likely in need of new intervention being reviewed first.
We have asked Spire to provide the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) with an update on progress in 12 months’ time.
Recommendation 9
We recommend that a national framework or protocol, with guidance, is developed about how recall of patients should be managed and communicated.
This framework or protocol should specify that the process is centred around the patient’s needs, provide advice on how recall decisions are made and advise what resource is required and how this might be provided. This should apply to both the independent sector and the NHS.
Government response – accept
A national framework has been developed that outlines actions to be taken by organisations in both the NHS and the independent sector in the event of a patient recall.
The National Quality Board (NQB) will own the framework, which will be published in 2022 and periodically updated.
- See further recommendations at ‘Compulsory insurance cover toured to replace indemnity’