Independent cancer unit gets latest robotic gear
The Christie Private Care has acquired the advanced robotic integrated surgical system, the da Vinci Xi, bringing a level of minimally invasive complex cancer surgery to private patients unavailable elsewhere in the Manchester area.
Urological and robotic surgeon Mr Aziz Gulamhusein said: ‘The da Vinci Xi is the latest robotic platform and this enhanced technology means, as surgeons, we can gain different visual perspectives and reach different angles, allowing us to operate with greater precision than ever before.
‘This investment means we are now able to offer more patients access to timely robotic surgical treatment, provided by expert and highly skilled clinical teams, helping to provide excellent outcomes with rapid recovery.’
The hospital said that, unlike other systems, firefly fluorescence imaging was built into the robot to give surgeons real-time visualisation and assessment of vessels, bile ducts and tissue perfusion – allowing them to operate more easily across multiple quadrants of the body and giving them better access during complex procedures.
The da Vinci Xi is the latest addition to the newly installed £7.8m operating theatres at The Christie Private Care’s, part of HCA Healthcare UK.