Stiff competition lies in the cities
Private patient revenue growth for 13 NHS acute trusts across the county of Yorkshire is put under the spotlight here by Philip Housden.
The figures used here are from the most recently published 2018-19 annual accounts. However, two trusts, Mid Yorkshire and Sheffield Children’s, had not published private patient revenues at the time of writing and so the 2017-18 figures have been used.
For this group of trusts, the data reveals that total private patient revenues fell back in 2018-19 after a year of growth in 2017-18.
Below average
Total revenues are estimated at £13.8m, down approximately 6% from £14.7m last year. This level of income represents 0.25% (down from 0.27%) of these trusts’ total revenues. This remains below the combined national average outside of London of 0.5%.