Reflecting well on you

Get it sorted! Kate Lewis and Darren Wiggins look at the requirements for a successful appraisal and revalidation.

This month, we look at significant events, feedback and compliments and complaints.

This follows September’s article, where we looked at what happens if you fail to engage with reval­idation requirements, the supporting information required and continuing professional development (CPD) needed.

Significant events

The GMC states: ‘A significant event is any unintended or unexpected event, which could or did lead to harm of one or more patients. This includes incidents which did not cause harm but could have done or where the event should have been prevented.’

It is a requirement of the revalidation process that you declare any significant event you have been involved with since your last appraisal and that you reflect upon it. It is probable that an involvement in a significant event and critical reflection upon that will lead to a change in your work behaviour and practice, and demonstrate your learning from such an event.  

You should be able to explain to your appraiser the reasons why you have chosen these events and you should focus on the insight and learning from the event, rather than discussing the facts of the events or the number of events you have recorded.

The organisation that you work for may use different terminology such as serious untoward incident or serious incident requiring investigation.  

Many organisations will have a process to formally record significant events and a procedure for responding to them. If you are working as a locum, you should find out what the local protocol is.