Working with inspectors

The Independent Healthcare Providers Network and the Care Quality Commission have joined forces for ‘outstanding care’. David Hare explains.

As the trade body representing the independent health sector, the Independent Healthcare Providers Network (IHPN) is mindful of the key role we can play in not only bringing members together to share best practice and learn from each other, but also to act as a single point of contact for regulators to engage with providers on a sector-wide level.  

We were therefore delighted to host our first annual IHPN/Care Quality Commission (CQC) joint regulation conference this summer. It was part of a programme of work that IHPN began with the CQC last year to better understand what the regulator considers to be good practice under each of the five key lines of inquiry.

This event looked at what providers need to do to improve on the CQC’s ‘Effective’ domain, following on from an earlier workshop on the ‘Safe and Well-led’ key lines of inquiry. 

With more than 80 IHPN members attending from a range of healthcare providers, as well as representative from the Indepen­dent Doctors Federation, delegates had the opportunity to take part in a mixture of plenary and breakout sessions.