Annual stats show PPUs are on the up

Figure 1

NHS PPUs enjoyed record income last year. Philip Housden presents his annual review for Independent Practitioner Today

NHS trusts have again achieved record incomes from private patients, as shown through Housden Group analysis of the 2017-18 Annual Accounts. 

Last year’s summary highlighted some marked trends apparent from the data, and these and further insights are shared below.

Total revenues were up £32m to a high of £619m for NHS trusts in England (£588m in 2016-17), an increase of 5.2% – previous year 4.2%.  

This is a return towards the growth rate of over 6% enjoyed in the previous three years (see Figure 1, above). The total represents a marginal increase to 1.09% of total NHS trust patient-related revenues, up from 1.07% in 2016-17.