Would a mobile app boost your practice?

London-based plastic surgeon Mr David Floyd provides an app for his patients. Here he discusses how it improves the quality of information and care at his practice.

Why did you decide to create an app?

plastic-surgery-appIt came about after I looked into the statistics of my website and found that more than half of those visiting it were doing so using an iPhone.

There has been a quantum shift over the past ten years in the way patients find you. When I started private practice as a consultant, I had a phone and a secretary – you wouldn’t find me unless you knew somebody that had my phone number.

I’ve now had a website for six years and today when patients come to see me, they seem to know everything about me and, having already done their research online, have decided that I’m the right person.

At the CCR Expo trade exhibition and conference last year, I met the team from Patient Journey who asked if I might be interested in having my own app. I had been thinking of redesigning my website to be more compatible with a smartphone, but realised that this app was an even better solution.