Test your knowledge of the private sector
Delegates were tested on their knowledge of aspects of the sector – with some surprising results for some:
1 In 2009, 7.6m people were covered by private medical insurance. How many were covered in 2017? Choose from: 5.2m, 6.9m, 7.8m, 8.5m.
2 What is the average price for a self-pay hip replacement package in the UK? Choose from: £8,750, £10,200; £11,155, £15,410.
3 According to the ONS, how many UK citizens travelled abroad for treatment in 2017?
Choose from: 15,000, 55,000, 105,000, 145,000.
4 What proportion of private hospital revenue came from the NHS in 2017? Choose from: 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%.
5 206 independent hospitals have been inspected by CQC. What proportion were deemed to need improvement? Choose from: 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%.